Saturday, September 17, 2011

Positive Self-Awareness

Winners have a greater sense of awareness. This comes from various traits of winners that include:
  • Eagerness to learn, constantly adding to their knowledge, through insight, experience, judgment, and feedback. They play on their strengths while avoiding errors and correcting weaknesses. They believe in the truth and having high integrity.
  • Honesty with others and themselves. If something feels wrong, ask yourself why? Is it a moral, ethical, or pride issue? Realize that things that may be right also come with great pains, conflicts, and struggles. Abraham Lincoln exemplified this plight when he abolished slavery. The very act took us into civil war.
  • Sensitive – more tuned-in and energized by natural highs
  • Open-mindedness – all things are relative
  • Mindset that all people have equal rights to fulfill their individual potential
  • Recognize that individuals are unique. Each individual has a unique sound frequency (voice-print), DNA, fingerprint, and eye print. With the spike in identity thefts, biometrics has become a booming business. No other individual on this planet has the same biometric information as we do. It is a bad day to be a criminal.
  • Adaptability to sensory bombardment and changes. The explosion in technology has everyone absorbing more sensory events than ever before. This includes the Internet, computers, Ipods, Palm Pilots, new software, cable T.V., streaming video, etc.
  • Ability to understand their own relationship to their environments and the many events and people that interacts each day. A manager must be able to see the total scope of operations, making sure that all pieces are coming together efficiently, and that the end product is as good as it possibly can be.
  • Ability to relax and cope with the trials and tribulations of everyday life, without needing drugs. Find a healthy stress level for yourself and learn to operate within it. Learn to view stresses as normal.
  • Mental toughness (strength of character) when dealing with failures and adversity. Winners adapt to and view normal corrective feedback as a tool to stay on target. Their experiences with failure and adversity, when properly handled, develops a feeling of immunity in us against anxiety, apprehension, depression, and other adverse responses to stress and pressure.
Winners follow the message embedded in the serenity prayer. The serenity prayer states, “God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” I grew up with a plaque of the serenity prayer hung above my bed. I read it at least once each night and it has stuck with me. It is a constant reminder and comfort to me when I’m struggling with something I can’t control. Winners remove things that are negative influences and where they can, change things for the better. Winners adapt and adjust to negative influences when they cannot be changed or removed.

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