Thursday, September 8, 2011

Effective Delegation

Personal and organizational growth is dependent upon effective delegation, which is important to effective management.  Effective management must focus on results instead of methods.  Stewardship delegation involves giving people a choice of method and makes them responsible for results.  It takes more time up front, but it’s time well spent.  Stewardship delegation includes:
  1. Clear, joint understanding of the desired results.
  2. Established guidelines that identify the parameters the individual must work within.  Minimize parameters to every extent possible, while listing formidable restrictions.
  3. Identify what resources he or she may draw on, including financial, technical, organizational, and human resources.  Let them know what they can’t do, but not what to do.
  4. Discuss how performance will be measured and at what intervals reporting and evaluation will be done.
  5. Specify the end result of either a positive or negative evaluation in regard to such things as awards and/or different job opportunities.
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