Showing posts with label what employees want from leaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what employees want from leaders. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2011

People You Work With Know More Than You Do

First, there’s nothing to gain by pretending to know more about someone’s job than they do. Your job as a supervisor is to oversee the whole operation and bring it all together on schedule. Employees are the experts and know what can or can’t be done in their areas. If you want to be successful, you must be able to depend on them to get the job done efficiently. Asking them for their ideas will give them a sense of involvement, and ultimately a greater chance of buy in. You should see people, machines, and processes as an engine. One part doesn’t make it run, but all parts working together, simultaneously does. If one part fails, so will the engine.

The supervisors that are most comfortable in their positions are those that know all the jobs in their area of responsibility. If you don’t know something, find out. Learn everything you can about each job and you will be able to manage it much better.

Second, include the employees in the decision making process. If you are pressed for greater productivity, let the employees know that. Also, let them know how it benefits them. If their jobs are at risk because of low productivity, or a reduction in hours, many will respond to that. I’ve always had employees come to me with their ideas following such conversations.

Who knows the job better than those close to it? 

Third, include the employees in follow up discussions regarding progress or lack of progress. Post the results as often as they become available.

Fourth, monitor the process as closely as possible. Reward those that are making it work and deal with lagging employees appropriately.

The maximum contribution of a person to the organization and his own personal development is possible only when viewed as an expert in his or her job.
“He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.” (Proverbs 28:26)

Why is self-confidence foolish? (Proverbs 28:26) - - We are warned here against thinking that we have all the answers, needing no counsel or discipline. Such a mindset is foolishness. We may be self-confident, knowing our capabilities and acting accordingly. But in order to be wise, we must also be aware of our sinfulness and weaknesses, submitting ourselves to wise counsel and discipline.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What Qualities Employees Look For In Leaders

The real power of a leader resides with the group’s willingness to accept the leader. Groups follow leaders who come closest to the group’s expectations. They want empathetic leaders who best understand them and what they want. Successful leadership encompasses empathy, using group expectations to coordinate activities toward the goals of the organization.

Workers look for certain qualities in their leaders that include:
  • Sincere, direct answers
  • Making good on promises to workers
  • Prompt response to complaints
  • Availability when problems arise – willingness to find answers he or she doesn’t know off hand
  • Understanding when problems couldn’t be avoided
  • Showing interest in ideas and suggestions
  • Discussing why work changes may be necessary
  • Dealing with poor performers
  • Recognizing good performers
  • Vision – direction of business
  • Good listening skills
  • Willingness to compromise
  • Shares information openly
  • Willingness to admit mistakes
Workers want what we all want from people we must deal with: honesty, integrity, humbleness, and value. Employees judge supervisors for both the way they reward good performances and the way they deal with problems. Good leaders must work at both ends of the spectrum continually while covering all scenarios in between. You have your worst and best employees to deal with everyday, as well as the average. The real opportunity for excellence lays in getting both the worst and average workers to do a little more. In most places, most of your workers fall within this category. Imagine the boost your company would experience if each of these employees improved by just a little. The key is finding the motivator for each one, applying it, monitoring and maintaining it.